Still Mineral Water vs. Carbonated Mineral Water: What’s the Difference?
Water is life. The human body is comprised of 65% water and cannot survive without it for any length of time. Water needs to be absorbed several times a day in order to stay healthy. Because it's important to hydrate the body frequently, it's also a good idea to do so with the best water for the body.
There are two camps regarding the state of our water: some people staunchly support still mineral water, and others support carbonated mineral water. Some occasionally cross over for variety, and both have merits. Today, we will explore the difference between Still Mineral Water and Carbonated Mineral Water and their health benefits.
What Is Still Mineral Water?
Still mineral water is sourced from the mineral springs underground – containing a wide range of different minerals that can be good for your health. The source of still water can vary – it may come from springs, artesian wells, or even as purified municipal sources. The processing of still water also differs depending on its source.
Spring and artesian water may undergo nil or minimal treatment, preserving their natural mineral reserve. Purified still water, however, is often subjected to rigorous filtration processes, including reverse osmosis, to remove impurities and contaminants. Depending on the purification methods used, this can sometimes result in the removal of all beneficial minerals.
Thus, still water is simply non-carbonated water. Some primary examples are ordinary tap water, spring water, natural mineral water, and most of the bottled water in large containers. While still water comes from nature, it's only safe to drink from a reliable, tested, and filtered water source.
What Is Carbonated Mineral Water?
Carbonated water is water infused with carbon dioxide gas under pressure. This produces a very bubbly drink that's also known as:
sparkling water
soda water
seltzer water
club soda
fizzy water
Apart from the seltzer water, carbonated waters usually have salt added to improve their taste. Sometimes, little amounts of other minerals are included.
Natural sparkling mineral water is different. It is captured from a mineral spring and contains minerals and sulfur compounds. It is also often carbonated and can offer a satisfying sensation and a sense of lightness, making it a very popular choice for those who want an alternative to sugary sodas or alcoholic beverages. Individuals who enjoy the carbonation and effervescence of sparkling water may prefer its lively mouthfeel and ability to cleanse the palate.
Mineral Water vs. Carbonated Mineral Water
Water is the molecule essential for life on Earth. It comprises hydrogen and oxygen atoms. Water is a flavourless, hydrating liquid that plays a key role in many bodily functions.
Before you use sparkling mineral water as a cocktail mixer, consider your choice. Since mineral water contains minerals' flavour, it's usually best to drink it plain. If you must use mineral water to mix a drink, it's always better to use still mineral water instead of sparkling. Lemonades and other citrus-based drinks can often complement the mineral-y taste.
The Benefits of Still Mineral Water:
1. Hydration
Drinking still water is the most advantages fluid for staying hydrated. After exercising, sitting out on a very hot day, or eating that last slice of pizza in the break room, our bodies crave rehydration. Drinking water is crucial to maintaining several functions of our bodies. Water helps carry nutrients to our cells, from our toes all the way up to our brains. Other fluids, such as soft drinks and sports drinks, contain sugar and sodium that can cause a reverse effect and actually dehydrate our cells! Because of this, still water is the safest and easiest way to hydrate our bodies.
2. Health
Aside from keeping our bodies hydrated, still mineral water can provide valuable health benefits. Some of the other ways drinking still water can be beneficial to your health include:
Transporting oxygen to all parts of the body.
Protecting the brain, spinal cord, and other extremely sensitive tissues.
Boosting skin health.
Regulating our internal body temperature.
Flushing body waste.
Helping maintain blood pressure.
Helping the airways function.
Preventing kidney damage.
The Benefits of Carbonated Mineral Water:
1. Hydration
Carbonated water elevates your drinking water at work. Just like still water, sparkling water contains extremely zero calories, zero sugars, and zero added ingredients. The only difference between still water and carbonated mineral water is that sparkling water contains dissolved carbon dioxide either naturally or artificially added and provides the requisite carbonation. Overall, because sparkling water is truly just that bubbly still water, it shares the same benefits as still water.
2. Health
Research shows that sparkling mineral water is not only just as hydrating as still mineral water but also has no negative impact on your bone density — a myth was once believed always to be true. On the reverse side, it does have a positive effect on your health. The carbonation in water will make you feel fuller, which can help minimize those 3 o'clock cravings!
What's your go-to water? Whether it's still or sparkling, get in touch with us at GTG Living Water today!