• Still Mineral Water vs. Carbonated Mineral Water: What’s the Difference?

    Still Mineral Water vs. Carbonated Mineral Water: What’s the Difference?
    Water is life. The human body is comprised of 65% water and cannot survive without it for any length of time. Water needs to be absorbed several times a day in order to stay healthy. Because it's important to hydrate the body frequently, it's also a good idea to do so with the best water for the body.  There are two camps regarding the...
  • Is it worth choosing carbonated mineral water to quench your thirst?

    Is it worth choosing carbonated mineral water to quench your thirst?
    Sparkling water is a trend that never seems to get old. Naturally carbonated mineral water is the best option for those looking to start 2025 on a healthy note. Hydration is key to staying focused and sharp; choosing water over sugary sodas or juices can make all the difference. Choosing a naturally carbonated beverage takes it to the next level due to the variety...
  • Should You Include Carbonated Mineral Water in Your Hydration Routine?

    Should You Include Carbonated Mineral Water in Your Hydration Routine?
    Mineral water comes from a remote underground source and has no naturally occurring bubbles. Sparkling water may originate from any source and has been infused with carbon dioxide (or bubbles). Mineral water can be sparkling, but not every time. Carbonated mineral water is water that has been infused with the carbon dioxide gas under pressure.  This Produces a Very Bubbly Drink Also Known As: ...